  • Wednesday, October 9, 2024
  • 12:10 - 13:10
  • Memo
  • Global Village Arena - Pav. A2
  • Giada Susca People Experience | Innovation & Development (People, Businesses, Territories, Communities)

The pandemic marked a worldwide watershed in terms of scenario, behaviors, actions, beliefs, and visions. And that is where the idea of this publishing project lies. At the center of the observation, the changes in the world of work, which have had a strong impact in the relationships between people, brought to light numerous organizational difficulties, forced us to measure ourselves with fear, new loneliness, and called us to an important sense of responsibility: to design in a new way the now present future. The author's talk aims to solicit extended reflection to stimulate action and be an educating, learning and exchange community in support of the innovative development of professional contexts, understood as living and evolving ecosystems.

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