Special projects

Art installation curated by CINQUEROSSO | ARTE

Who says we can only admire works of art in museums and galleries?

Beauty is the Splendor of Truth is an art installation combining art and hospitality, one of the special projects of the 2024 edition of InOut | The Contract Community.

This year, artists, visionary architects, designers and hospitality professionals were asked to create exhibitions and installations to inspire the hotels of tomorrow.

Ten artists selected by Cinquerosso Arte have made a significant contribution to InOut's goal of promoting artistic creativity in new contexts such as those related to hospitality.

The installation Beauty is the Splendor of Truth, opened during InOut 2024 at the EAST Swimming Pools at Rimini Expo Centre, was far removed from the traditional canons. InOut participants had the opportunity to appreciate the 12 most emblematic artworks on display during the show. 

As an essential part of the hospitality industry, art evokes emotions and enriches the narrative of a place, transforming it and creating unique atmospheres. In addition to decoration, art lends character and invites sensory immersion.

In places like hotels and B&Bs, art not only inspires and excites, but also elevates the guest experience beyond comfort and enriches the environment with truth and beauty. 

Discover the ten artists selected for the installation Beauty is the Splendor of Truth.

ANITA BORTOLOTTI - Artist, Mixed Media

Work no. 8 in Pool B, Rimini Expo Centre

ABOUT THE ARTIST: Class of 2000, Anita is as youthful and fresh as her works. She has experimented with photography, ancient and modern printing techniques and illustration; it is in this last sphere in particular that she has found her natural environment, with her drawings tapping into the most instinctive part of herself. She is driven by a desire to forge an intimate communication with the public, a contact that can strike the deepest chords and stir emotions. Enabling anyone, regardless of age or social status, to enjoy a happy moment.

BAD MANDALA - Artist, Mixed Media

Work no. 2 in Pool A, Rimini Expo Centre
Work no. 12 in Pool B, Rimini Expo Centre

ABOUT THE ARTIST: Luca Gentile is a digital artist known for his mandalas and psychedelic drawings. Artistically, his beginnings date back to graffiti and street art in the early 2000s. After studying comic art at the Academy of Bologna and graduating in Multimedia from a Higher Technical Education and Training Institute (IFTS), he built a career as a graphic designer, web designer, illustrator, video-maker and photographer. Under the pseudonym Bad Mandala, he produces illustrations, paintings, sculptures and digital art works that have appeared in various exhibitions and events across Italy. His idea is to give new form to loops and characters developed in nearly ten years of graffiti and comics, and merge them with the rules of graphic design and illustration learned in as many years of work. Using a simple ballpoint pen, Bad Mandala creates psychedelic drawings of considerable complexity, in which the cartoon-like and playful imagery typical of graffiti is amplified in rich and detailed compositions.

CHIARA SGARZI - Artist, Mixed Media 

Work no. 5 in Pool A, Rimini Expo Centre

ABOUT THE ARTIST: Class of 2000, Chiara Sgarzi divides her time between Bologna and Venice, where she is completing her studies at the Academy of Fine Arts. Her creativity is expressed in a continuous search, in an introspective journey rooted in natural forms such as trees and forests. This gives her works a strong symbolic power, which follow the same inspiration but are produced with a variety of techniques and languages. The artist seeks to engage the viewers, drawing them into her inner world and allowing them to explore it as one would a magnificent garden. 

ERIKA GARBIN - Artist, Mixed Media

Work no. 6 in Pool A, Rimini Expo Centre

ABOUT THE ARTIST: Erika Garbin's training includes academic education at the school of MusicArTerapia nella Globalità dei Linguaggi and other art therapy courses including Arno Stern's Closlieu. Her artistic production intertwines with her work with the disabled and children, and expresses itself in unusual ways, from collage to embroidery. Her aesthetic is about juxtaposing atmospheres, disciplines, objects and materials: it is about sewing and mending tears in the soul, in time and in the very structure of things. 

FILIPPO MANFRONI - Artist, Mixed Media 

Work no. 11 in Pool B, Rimini Expo Centre

ABOUT THE ARTIST: Filippo Manfroni was born in Rimini in 1972. After graduating in advertising graphics from the Urbino Art Institute, he moved to Milan to attend the school of comic art. Since then, he has worked with Italy’s most prestigious advertising agencies as an illustrator and visualiser. For him, painting is a tool with which to create, a channel through which to expel ... a way to synthesise, filter and tell stories. He is a keen observer, and his reflections are focused on people. He finds inherent in human beings a tragic difficulty in existence, a pain in living that is anything but romantic.  He is fascinated and attracted by this malaise. The wonder of existence, in all its aspects. This is what Manfroni explores, through the figure that has always been at the centre of his work.

GIULIO BRANDELLI - Artist, Mixed Media

Work no. 10 in Pool B, Rimini Expo Centre

ABOUT THE ARTIST: Passionate about crafts, music, sculpture and painting, Giulio is an all-round creative. Art thus permeates every aspect of his life: it is reflection, pleasure, refuge. The worlds he draws come from his childhood, when he began to depict human beings and animals in surreal shapes, going so far as to merge their bodies to give life to fantastic creatures, imaginary friends with whom for years he has had a fruitful dialogue destined never to end. 

MARCELLO NICCODEMI - Artist, Photography

Work no. 3 in Pool A, Rimini Expo Centre

ABOUT THE ARTIST: Marcello Niccodemi is a nature and landscape photographer. His love for photography began when travelling, first to cities all over the world, then in nature. Urban settings, especially at night, were the first focus of most of his photographs; later came the mountains, then the Nordic landscapes captured with a telephoto lens, to connect with every single element of the landscape. His passion became a profession, and today Marcello makes a living from photography, winning a number of international awards. 

MATTIA PERRU - Artist, Mixed Media

Work no. 5 in Pool A, Rimini Expo Centre

ABOUT THE ARTIST: Born in La Spezia in 1986, Mattia Perru is an Italian artist who has cultivated a great passion for the figurative arts, particularly photography, illustration and painting, since his youth. In 2008, he began his journey into the art world by creating works exclusively for himself, but as the years went by, his art evolved and became increasingly mature and refined. In 2022-2023, he started to exhibit in a number of group exhibitions in Italy and abroad, both in person and virtually, attracting praise from the public and critics. The techniques he uses are mainly acrylic and oil on canvas, wood or paper. 

RICCARDO BASAGLIA - Artist, Mixed Media

Work no. 9 in Pool B, Rimini Expo Centre

ABOUT THE ARTIST: Riccardo Basaglia lives in Bologna and studies land and environmental engineering. Since his childhood, he has had a great passion for drawing, a medium through which he can express creativity and flair. His works are real composite stories, in which he inserts messages, quotes and reflections through which he communicates his vision of life and art. 

SILVIA BARDANI - Artist - Mixed Media

Work no. 1 in Pool A, Rimini Expo Centre
Work no. 7 in Pool B, Rimini Expo Centre

ABOUT THE ARTIST: Silvia Bardani is an Italian artist living in Barcelona and specialises in pop art, digital and acrylic paintings. She is also an entrepreneur, with a background in fashion e-commerce and artificial intelligence. She was born on 27 July 1988 in Assisi, a city where art meets spirituality.

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