Special projects

The Buyers Lounge, located in Hall D2, is being revamped as a special project of InOut | The Contract Community 2024, through the partnership with the Cappelletti_Fumagalli studio, which has been asked to improve a functional space through contemporary design and classic references, creating an ideal environment for the natural exchange of ideas and creative contamination.

The area is inspired by the architecture of a basilica within an ancient Roman forum, a place that once hosted trade negotiations and lively exchanges of ideas. This design aligns perfectly with the main theme of this year's edition, “The Year of Veritas”, which calls for authentic discussion based on truth, ethics and sustainability.


This philosophy is reflected in the choice of authentic and refined materials. These include the Nature series in porcelain stoneware, hand-decorated by LoveLight39. With their delicate natural hues and rich detailing, the column slabs represent a perfect balance between tradition and innovation. These surfaces give spaces an aura of timeless prestige, evoking the charm of the past but with one eye on the contemporary.


Furniture by Unopiù, a company specialising in outdoor furniture with an elegant and refined aesthetic, completes the space. The materials and design of the furniture reflect the same care for beauty and attention to sustainability, making the environment harmonious and welcoming.


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