Special projects

Hotel in Motion: Sustainable Hospitality is an exhibition that explores green building, an ecological and sustainable approach to construction that could transform hospitality at InOut | The Contract Community 2024. 

The project, curated by architect Massimo Giordano and displayed in Hall D1, offers concrete applications of practices and advanced technologies to be used in a real hotel, inviting visitors to imagine their practical use.

The project, conceived as a miniature hotel, uses sustainable materials in accordance with green building principles. The use of wood, a renewable and highly energy-efficient material, and recyclable wood panels for the walls dominate. The wall finishes are water-based and the exterior flooring uses pine wood blocks. The PVC flooring, which does not require gluing, can be reused indefinitely, promoting material circularity.

This example of green building demonstrates how hospitality can integrate sustainability, improving operational efficiency and reducing buildings’ carbon footprint. It promotes more conscious tourism and responds to travellers’ growing demands for sustainability. Although still not widespread, this approach is rapidly transforming the visitor experience.

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