
Three days of debates, seminars and meetings to design the future of tourism and hospitality

The event within the event: Think Future is a workshop of ideas for operators around the world; a valuable source of information and inspiration for new trends, tourism formats and consumer influences.  

Every year, we choose a main theme to guide the event programme, inspired by the current market environment. The aim is not to identify a trend, but to condense in a concept the specific features and urgent issues affecting the many facets of the sector.



How much does the truth matter to you?

In an age in which we have seen artificial storytelling, not always authentic reviews and false information proliferate online, Veritas is the theme that guided the 2024 show, with the Latin meaning of the word invoking the indispensable search for "factual truth".

Tourism and hospitality companies discussed how to face a growing challenge: how to provide authentic information, scientifically verifiable market analysis and truthful stories to their customers. The aim is to go beyond “clichés”, to recognise that travellers are no longer simply consumers, but thinking, self-assured individuals.

Through the Veritas theme, the new transformative tourism proposals continue to respond to the traveller's desire for personal empowerment, providing a compass to guide product strategies, communication with Italian and foreign buyers as well as speeches and conferences topics, transforming the nine Arenas into a vibrant workshop of ideas.

Tourism and hospitality companies are aware that they are part of a complex web of relationships. They operate within a system that necessarily relates to ethics, economics, new geopolitical and social balances as well as climate change, which is now redirecting significant flows of travellers to alternative destinations.

With the tourism and hospitality industry in a constant and progressive transformation phase, the travel product is changing to meet the new challenges imposed by today's world.

The theme Veritas embodies this transformation, pushing companies to offer authentic and verifiable experiences that meet the expectations of  modern, conscious travellers.

Architectural spaces dedicated to tourism and hospitality also play a key role in recounting this Veritas. Accommodation facilities, communal spaces and recreational areas must reflect a commitment to authenticity and transparency, and this should be reflected in a design that values local culture, uses sustainable materials and promotes the preservation of architectural and environmental heritage.


Want to learn more about the main theme?

The VERITAS visual reflects the relentless efforts that companies need to make in order to progress in a new business and market environment in which information is not always certain.

The visual chosen to represent InOut | The Contract Community 2024 illustrates the adaptability of business choices and project investments to the new needs of travellers thanks to the availability of clear data.

Hospitality businesses and planners now have a wealth of databases and advanced survey systems that can provide them with factual and predictive information, not only on travellers' needs but also on the adaptability of architecture and materials to different cultural, social and climatic environments. In order to examine every possible variable and anticipate customers' purchasing behaviour, we need reliable and aggregable data that provide an accurate overview of the market situation. This approach is crucial in guiding informed business choices, development strategies and targeted investments.

With the new Veritas, InOut | The Contract community has offered the sector a guide towards a new era, where truth, ethics and sustainability are the pillars on which to build the future of tourism and hospitality.

Want to learn more about the main theme?

The programme of events at InOut and TTG this year is spread over 9 Arenas:

  • The Main Arena, a place of vision and reflection for the strategic design of tourism and hotel products. Straddling the two events, it is the space reserved for institutional meetings and discussions between experts on current issues.
  • The 3 Arenas dedicated to TTG Travel Experience (Global Village Arena - A2, Italy Arena - A7, Be Active Arena - C4), whose main themes will cover innovative ideas relating to artificial intelligence and its possible applications in the sector, the evolution of the metaverse, the dematerialisation of money and new virtual payment systems, the impact of climate change on demand in tourism and new seasonal patterns, bioethics, gender equality applied to travel and new and emerging professional roles.
  •  The Book&Go Arena, the space where new publishing and multimedia products for the world of Tourism and Design applied to Hospitality are presented directly by authors, producers and performers.
  • The 4 arenas of InOut The Contract Community, which include:
    • 3 SIA Hospitality Design Arenas ((Design Arena – D3, Open Air Arena – D5, Poolwide Arena - B2), where artificial intelligence, design, eco-sustainable project design and web marketing for hotels and restaurants will be the central themes focused on bringing innovation to services and hospitality for travellers. The discussion space dedicated to the Open Air and Poolwide world will be extended with discussions and in-depth analysis for professionals operating in the field of open-air holidays, water-related design and wellness. The main themes on the table for industry experts will be design, furnishings and management techniques for the new types of hospitality such as glamping, camping and poolwide.
    • 1 SUN Beach&Outdoor Style Arena (Beach Arena - Hall B7-D7), which will showcase the main innovations in the beach world: equipment for bathing establishments and beach bars, as well as innovative management strategies and successful case studies from which to draw inspiration.

Think Future is an interactive space for you to meet and talk to leading companies, gain updates on the news and trends in the industry, and make your experience at the show even more worthwhile.

Why take part:

  • to gain updates, get to know people and get yourself known
  • to refine and complement your professional skills
  • to find out the trends and update your strategies
  • to meet the industry’s key players
  • to network
  • to find new ideas and solutions
  • to enter the digital world of innovation
  • to get to know innovative companies

One of the main reasons for visitors to attend is to take part in events, get training and explore the themes of the sector in-depth: it comes in second place with 69.3% of preferences, immediately after “Discover market developments” with 70.7% of preferences
* Grs/Customer Satisfaction data

It multiplies networking and dialogue opportunities with your customers, with visitors, and with the industry’s key players and brands. You increase your visibility, tying your name to the issues of innovation and change, and highlight your role as a market leader.

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