  • Wednesday, October 9, 2024
  • 15:00 - 15:40
  • Memo
  • Book&Go Arena - West Pools A2/C2
  • Ilaria Bonfante Travel designer and tour guide
  • Marta Pellegrini Tour operator and consultant for female travelers
  • Anna Pernice Travel blogger and journalist

Drawing on their lived experiences and recounted in their books, three solo female travelers address and dismantle fears and clichés associated with the solo-traveller universe. A frank and truthful picture of female empowerment in the context of travel, with practical advice on choosing the right destinations and preparing properly.

Read more: “Sotto il cielo di Atacama” (Amazon), “Bangkok in libertà: Guida pratica ed empatica per viaggiatrici indipendenti” (self-published-soon to be released) and “Il richiamo dell'isola” (Santelli Editore)

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