  • Thursday, October 10, 2024
  • 15:40 - 16:40
  • Memo
  • Open Air Arena - Pav. D5
  • Riccardo Viroli CEO & Co-Founder CampingVillage.Travel

Unlike all other tourism clusters, in the open-air, the facilities and services on offer are becoming increasingly central. This evolution in demand requires a consequent adaptation of the offer, not only in terms of quality and range of services, but also in terms of design, sustainability and digitisation of activities.
However, the implementation of new services and projects within the structure often does not coincide with the narrative of the structure itself: two speeds are detected between operational novelties and communication, which is increasingly slow and inefficient.
The intervention shows the unfortunate tendency of openair facilities to favour a product-centric attitude at the expense of a more fruitful one based on proper communication and related marketing activities

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