Sonia Ferrari - Professor of Tourism Marketing and Territorial Marketing, University of Calabria

Professor of Tourism Marketing and Territorial Marketing, University of Calabria

Sonia Ferrari has been Associate Professor of Tourism Marketing and Place Marketing at the Department of Business and Law Science, University of Calabria, Italy, since 2005. She taught Event Marketing, Management, Service Management, Tourism Management at the same university.

She was President of Tourism Science Degree Course and Valorizzazione dei Sistemi Turistico- Culturali Degree Course at University of Calabria (2007-2016).

She was President and later Commissioner of Sila National Park, Italy (2009-2018).

She coordinated on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation an international research project on Roots Tourism, with the partnership of numerous entities, including the National University of Mar del Plata, the University of Turin, and the University of Bari.

Her main research interests are roots tourism, tourism and place marketing, event marketing, spa and wellness tourism, tourism in protected areas, and sustainable tourism. She is the author of numerous Italian and foreign publications and participated as speaker in numerous national and international scientific conferences.


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  • 10 Oct

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10 OCTOBER  |  14:00 - 15:00 Cedro Room - West Hall


Hermann Graziano
Moderatore | Professore Dipartimento di Scienze Aziendali, Università di Bologna
Fabrizio Antolini
President SISTUR and Professor Department of Communication Sciences, University of Teramo
Francesco Calabrò
Professor Department of Civil Engineering, Energy, Environment and Materials - DICEAM, Mediterranean University
Sonia Ferrari
Professor of Tourism Marketing and Territorial Marketing, University of Calabria
Andrea Guizzardi
Professor Department of Statistical Sciences, Centre for Advanced Studies on Tourism (CAST), University of Bologna
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