Paolo Scoglio - Architect & CEO&Founder the ne[s]t

Architect & CEO&Founder the ne[s]t

Architect at the head of a team of professionals specialising in the design of architecture in symbiosis with nature, in Italy and abroad, for private clients, tour operators and public administrations, with numerous international collaborations with design studios and leading companies in the most innovative multi-material prefabrication.A lecturer at the IED, Politecnico di Torino and Politecnico di Milano, he defines his architecture as "natural devices", characterised by total symbiosis with the environment, total reversibility on the landscape, intended uses linked to temporary users " short stay, smart living ": unique spaces where high technology is combined with natural materials.His nomadic studio, THE NE[S]T, is dedicated to the consultancy and design of prefabricated modules for micro-reception all over the world, associating each of his works with a minimal green, often inspired by the most advanced parametric and biomimetic design.

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  • 10 Oct

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