Alberto Riva - Co-founder & Business Developer MobilitySquare

Co-founder & Business Developer MobilitySquare

He is co-founder and Business Developer at MobilitySquare, an innovative company promoting sustainable mobility through the BikeSquare brand. With a degree in Communication Sciences and a specialisation in Linguistics, he is an expert in communication and transport. BikeSquare is a network of e-bike rentals for non-sporty tourists, supported by an online platform and an app offering self-guided tours for food and wine experiences in 50 Italian destinations. Alberto's deep knowledge of public transport and many years of experience in cycling mobility and sustainable mobility enhance his ability to make cycle tourism accessible and engaging, offering unique and sustainable experiences for everyone. MobilitySquare also handles Mobility Management and home-work travel plans for corporates, improving employee commuting sustainability.

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  • 10 Oct

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10 OCTOBER  |  14:00 - 14:30 TTG NEXT STARTUP ARENA - Hall A6


Raffaella De Donato
Moderator | Community, Communication & Project Management for the Associazione Startup Turismo
Gianluca Iorio
Co-Founder & COO Unicorn Mobility
Michele Pio Lauriola
Co-Founder and Chief Sustainable Officer E-ssence
Nadia Mangiavacchi
Co-founder E-Dway
Alberto Riva
Co-founder & Business Developer MobilitySquare
Julia Zheng
Founder ALOE
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