Oscar Di Montigny - Wise Manager and Popularizer

Wise Manager and Popularizer

He is the originator of the principle of “Spherical Economy®” and the systemic model for business development “Humanovability®,” popularized through scientific research activities, publishing initiatives, public events and advocacy activities at Corporation and industry groups. He is also founder and Managing Partner of I-Deagate-the first Humanovability Hub that supports businesses in making a positive impact on the community and the planet-and President of Grateful Foundation-which pursues popularizing purposes on the Spherical Economy and the value of gratitude. Wise manager and angel investor, he is among the leading experts on mega trends. He is an ambassador for Oxfam Italy, international keynote speaker on topics such as Innovation, Sustainability, Marketing and Communication, Corporate Education and Positive Impact. He collaborates with academia on research activities, lectio magistralis and seminars; develops projects that generate a positive impact on the economy, society and the environment.

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  • 09 Oct
  • 10 Oct

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