Michele Giordani - Founder & Managing Partner GELLIFY

Founder & Managing Partner GELLIFY

He has contributed to the success of startups that have established themselves internationally. In February 2017 he co-founded GELLIFY of which he is currently Managing Partner and expert in business construction and Corporate Venture Capital.

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  • 10 Oct

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10 OCTOBER  |  12:15 - 12:35 TTG NEXT STARTUP ARENA - Hall A6


Roberta Anelli
Senior Manager Innovation Team PwC Italy
Shari Chudoba
Moderator | Community & Internationalization Project Manager at Associazione Startup Turismo - Interpreter & Content Localization Specialist
Michele Giordani
Founder & Managing Partner GELLIFY
Giuseppe Pasceri
CEO Adevinta Italy
Luca Piras
CEO TRIBYOU - Your Places
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