Hélène Quintin - Co-founder & CEO KERU

Co-founder & CEO KERU

She is the Co-founder and CEO of KERU, a member of SISTA EntrepreneurEs, and a member of NFT Factory. She has been leading KERU since April 2022. Previously, she founded "Whats Up in," a platform for young professionals to engage in activities and sports. Hélène has a strong background in law, holding a Master's degree in Business Law from the University of Paris I: Panthéon-Sorbonne and additional studies in European and International Law from the University of Mannheim.


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  • 10 Oct

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10 OCTOBER  |  12:40 - 13:10 TTG NEXT STARTUP ARENA - Hall A6


Lucia Tucci
Moderator | President DestinAction, Jr. Destination Manager at Ideazione srl
Goffredo Guidi
Co-founder & Business Manager Aeffective
Hélène Quintin
Co-founder & CEO KERU
Simone Russo
CEO & Co-founder Immodrone
Katherina Ufnarovskaia
CEO & Co-founder Augmented City
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