Simone Russo - CEO & Co-founder Immodrone

CEO & Co-founder Immodrone

33 years old, graduated in Economics from Bocconi University. He has lived in France, Switzerland, and Australia, where he discovered and became passionate about the world of drones.In 2015, Wired awarded him as one of Italy's most promising under-35 entrepreneurs. In 2019, Forbes included him in the list of young leaders in future technology. In 2018, he appeared on the cover of Capital and was included in ManagerItalia's Research among the stories of 300 "Champions of Early Success." In 2020, 2021, and 2022, he was a lecturer on AI applied to marketing in the Master's in Real Estate at Luiss Business School and the Master's in Management at the University of Bologna. In 2022, he received the Italia Giovane award with the sponsorship of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies.

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  • 10 Oct

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10 OCTOBER  |  12:40 - 13:10 TTG NEXT STARTUP ARENA - Hall A6


Lucia Tucci
Moderator | President DestinAction, Jr. Destination Manager at Ideazione srl
Goffredo Guidi
Co-founder & Business Manager Aeffective
Hélène Quintin
Co-founder & CEO KERU
Simone Russo
CEO & Co-founder Immodrone
Katherina Ufnarovskaia
CEO & Co-founder Augmented City
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