  • Friday, October 11, 2024
  • 11:00 - 12:00
  • Memo
  • BeActive Arena - Pav. C4
  • Concetta D’Emma Green Destinations representative for Italy

From spending limits to welfare, from travel safety to sustainability: there are many elements that companies must take into account-and evaluate with consistent Kpi-when organizing their employees' travel. And if this is the upstream process, the downstream process involves sharing these needs with suppliers-hirers first and foremost-parking and new mobility solutions. All of this within a flow that can only be properly developed through the joint management of the two elements, Travel&Fleet; a calibrated management, which, moreover, must increasingly take into account corporate budget cuts on the one hand, and rising prices on the other.
In the course of the meeting we discuss: TMCs, technology platforms (booking but also management), renters, parking, mobility centers, NCC companies, car sharing and airport management.

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