Concetta D’Emma - Green Destinations representative for Italy

Green Destinations representative for Italy

She is the first Representative of Green Destinations for Italy, the international organization that certifies destinations and companies across the tourism supply chain.
Founder of UnconventionalHospitality and UnconventionalBreakfast, she is a Glocal Storyteller, Food & Green Marketing Strategist, Inspirational Speaker, experiential trainer and business coach.
Since 2006, she has been an expert in: Responsible Tourism and Green Hospitality, Sports, Pet-Friendly, LGBTQ+, Accessible, while since 2015 she is the creator of Food & Wine Tourism for Travelers with Specific Food Needs.
Her mission is to evolve tourism supply chain operators in the fields of hospitality and hospitality for Unconventional Travelers, through a mix of training, coaching, consulting, and strategic marketing, with the aim of bringing economic, environmental, and social benefits to businesses and the destination.

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  • 11 Oct

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