  • Wednesday, October 9, 2024
  • 14:00 - 15:00
  • Memo
  • Noce Room - Hall A6
  • Alessandro Mazzù Consultant, trainer, writer, content creator

Are you a travel agent, tour operator or working in the tourism industry? Do you want to find out how Artificial Intelligence can really make a difference in your daily work? Don't miss the opportunity to attend our speech. In this talk, we will guide you through the world of AI, discover together how AI is not just an abstract concept, but a concrete tool that can drastically improve your productivity and simplify many of your daily tasks. I will also show you how to use some of the best AI software available today, with practical demonstrations and useful tips that you can apply right away in your work. Don't miss this unique opportunity to learn the truth about Artificial Intelligence and how it can revolutionize the travel industry. Attend our speech and take your business to the next level with the help of technology!

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