Remo Vangelista - Director of TTG Italia and InOut Review

Director of TTG Italia and InOut Review

From Turin, he is editor in chief of TTG Italia magazine, the news agency and InOut Review.

A professional journalist since '93, he began his journalistic career in '86 as a reporter for the sports pages of the daily La Nuova Venezia.
In 1987 he joined the editorial staff at the Turin daily Il Corriere Alpino where he covered crime and white news.
In 1989 he moved to Milan where he first worked at the Domus publishing house for Quattroruote and Tuttotrasporti. Later he worked at the monthly Volare and the business daily Italia Oggi.

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  • 09 Oct
  • 10 Oct

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09 OCTOBER  |  16:50 - 18:00 Global Village Arena - Pav. A2


Pietro Diamantini
High Speed Business Director of Trenitalia
Emiliana Limosani
CEO of Volare and Chief Commercial Officer of ITA Airways
Marco Trombetti
Deputy Principal Director of Territorial Coordination and Passenger Right Central Directorate
Remo Vangelista
Director of TTG Italia and InOut Review
10 OCTOBER  |  11:00 - 12:00 Design Arena - Pav. D3


Remo Vangelista
Director of TTG Italia and InOut Review
Carlo De Mattia
Architect, CDO of Moschini Spa, president of Design Terrae Foundation and PR of Interno Marche Design Experience Hotel
Carlo Donati
Riccardo Emanuele
Founder & Partner NCB ARCHITETTURA
Vittorio Grassi
Founder & CEO Vittorio Grassi Architects
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