Emiliana Limosani - CEO of Volare and Chief Commercial Officer of ITA Airways

CEO of Volare and Chief Commercial Officer of ITA Airways

She is the CEO of Volare and Chief Commercial Officer of ITA Airways, responsible for the  airline's global commercial strategy and revenue generated from both passenger and cargo areas, she directs the Revenue Management, Sales, eCommerce, Distribution and Cargo .

She has been with ITA Airways since the company was set up in December 2020 and has helped in the  participation  of the launch of the new Italian flag carrier,

by  drafting  the business plan, and the start-up of the company that  had a great growth in the  first three years of the carrier's life. She specifically set up the entire commercial and revenue management strategy from scratch, as well as establishing ITA Airways' commercial presence in the 24 countries where the airline currently has a direct presence. She also created the new Volare Loyalty program of which she is currently the  CEO.   The Loyalty program  was created  less than two years ago ,and has already  enrollment  2.5 million members.

From September 2017 to November 2020 Limosani was Vice President  of Business Travel Sales & Commercial Partnership in Alitalia. By virtue of this position, she was able to oversee the worldwide sales direction of the Business travel segment, implementation and coordination of commercial sponsorships, media space sales, co Marketing and commercial partnerships.

Limosani's has had leadership roles in the travel and transportation industry working in multinational companies such as Emirates, H&A, Amadeus and Club Med.


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  • 09 Oct

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09 OCTOBER  |  16:50 - 18:00 Global Village Arena - Pav. A2


Pietro Diamantini
High Speed Business Director of Trenitalia
Emiliana Limosani
CEO of Volare and Chief Commercial Officer of ITA Airways
Marco Trombetti
Deputy Principal Director of Territorial Coordination and Passenger Right Central Directorate
Remo Vangelista
Director of TTG Italia and InOut Review
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