Roberto Gentile - Moderator | Columnist on tourism matters, retail expert, community manager, head-hunter

Moderator | Columnist on tourism matters, retail expert, community manager, head-hunter

After graduating cum laude in Medicine and Surgery from La Sapienza University of Rome, Roberto Gentile decided to pursue a career in tourism. He initially collaborated with companies like Study Tours, Alpitour, Club Méditerranée, and Viaggi del Ventaglio. In 1999, he founded Frigerio Viaggi Network with the Frigerio family. Since 2010, his work as a consultant and freelancer has become predominant. He is the author of two books published by Hoepli Editore, Milan: “Travel Agencies and Networks. New Trends in Italian Tourist Distribution” (2002) and “Selling Travel in Italy. A Reasoned Guide to Travel Agencies, Networks, Associations, Internet and New Media” (2007). He has written hundreds of articles and essays dedicated to the tourism industry and since 2012, he has been the author of the blog Whatsup, published by the online trade magazine TTG. In 2010, he founded the community Il Club delle Teste Pensanti, the most prestigious non-academic think tank in the Italian tourism sector, and in 2012, he founded SAGE Executive Search, a division dedicated to recruiting highly qualified personnel.

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  • 10 Oct
  • 11 Oct

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11 OCTOBER  |  12:10 - 13:10 Global Village Arena - Pav. A2


Claudia Cassano
Marketing hospitality specialist Nicolaus Valtur
Massimiliano Ceriani
Development manager Italy Melià Hotels International
Chiara Cretì
Entrepeneur and PhD Candidate
Roberto Gentile
Moderator | Columnist on tourism matters, retail expert, community manager, head-hunter
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