Ezio Barroero - President Lab Travel

President Lab Travel

A born merchant, he proudly calls himself. A prominent figure in the world of tourism and sports, Barroero has left an indelible imprint in both sectors. A former president of Cuneo Calcio and Alpitour Volley, he has always preferred team sports, with a particular passion for soccer and volleyball. Currently, he is president of Lab Travel, where he has demonstrated a forward-looking vision, especially through the Euphemia project, dedicated to travel agents. Under his leadership, the Personal Voyager concept came to fruition, revolutionizing the way travel consultants operate, offering a highly personalized and innovative service. Meeting Michele Zucchi, CEO of Euphemia Personal Voyager, marked the beginning of an adventure that continues to push the industry to new frontiers. Ezio Barroero is and remains an inspiring leader, combining experience, passion and an extraordinary capacity for vision.

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  • 10 Oct

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