Peppino De Rose - Contact person for the EU in Brussels

Contact person for the EU in Brussels

Economist expert in European Union policies and programs and university lecturer. After graduating with honors in Economics and Business from the University of Calabria, he obtained a Ph.D. in Education of the Person and Labor Market from the University of Bergamo and several specializations including in Territorial Government from the Guglielmo Marconi University in Rome and in Management of Nonprofit Enterprises from the Luigi Bocconi University in Milan. For years he has chaired the Chair of Tourism Enterprise and International Markets at the University of Calabria and collaborated as a lecturer and speaker with University of Salento, Aldo Mori University of Bari, Iarc Academy - International Academic Research Center based in Tirana, Ice Agency, Free Academy of Fine Arts of Nola. He has worked as an expert at the European Parliament, Calabria Region and with various public and private entities for the implementation of European projects in different sectoral areas. He is the author of several international scientific publications and carries out scientific research activities, always keeping a humanistic approach to the issues of social and economic development of the European Union.

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  • 11 Oct

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