Piera Buonincontri - Senior Researcher ISMed - CNR, Expert in Tourism Marketing

Senior Researcher ISMed - CNR, Expert in Tourism Marketing

Graduate in Business Administration, she holds a Ph.D. in Marketing and Communication. Since 2021, she has been coordinator of the of the ‘Tourism economics and management’ research line at CNR -ISMed. Since 2022 she has been an adjunct professor at the University of Tuscia. The main scientific interests concern experiential marketing and co-creation processes with customers, sustainable tourism, new technologies for tourism and cultural heritage. She has been, and currently is, scientific responsible of projects on tourism. She regularly presents her scientific works in national and international conferences and publishes in leading journals, including Tourism Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management.

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  • 09 Oct

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