Giancarlo Dell'Orco - Destination Manager, Trainer and Territorial Network Expert

Destination Manager, Trainer and Territorial Network Expert

Founder of Progetto Borghi, Destination Management Expert, designed strategic plans for local tourism development and participation with the local community to build tourism products and services. 
Engaged in Destination Marketing, specializing in local community involvement for multimedia content creation and digital promotion. Has Doc 1211395/Isc_CA Community Cooperation Certification-Creating and Managing Enterprises for Local Community Development at UNIFI
He is Technical Lecturer for master's degree courses in tourism for Luiss, Limec, Campus, Unica-Uniba, Unifi, 24ORE Business School.
He is Trainer in regional ITS Tourism courses. 
He is President of AIGO Confesercenti and the Cooperative Society Coopera - Archaeology, Community and Tourism. 

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  • 10 Oct

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10 OCTOBER  |  12:10 - 13:10 Global Village Arena - Pav. A2


Andrea Cerrato
Destination manager
Flavia Coccia
Vice President Assidema
Claudio Dell'Accio
President of the Italian Destination Manager Association (ASSIDEMA).
Giancarlo Dell'Orco
Destination Manager, Trainer and Territorial Network Expert
Daniele Donnici
Destination manager
Antonio Prota
Tourism and territorial marketing expert
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