Isabella Maggi - Marketing and Communications Director Gattinoni Group

Marketing and Communications Director Gattinoni Group

Born in Lecco in 1980. Graduated in Languages and graduated in Communication Sciences from the Catholic University of Milan. A publicist, she worked for the Lecco Newspaper and the Netweek Group from 1998 to 2003. After a year in London, she started moving in the advertising world in the Milan office of the JWT agency where she followed clients such as Heineken, Expert, Deutsche Bank and Vodafone. In 2007 she was in charge of the image change of the Gattinoni Group and, at the end of the same year, accepted the challenge of inaugurating the Communication division. With time and the evolution of the company, she became Marketing and Communication Director of the entire Group; she is in charge of internal corporate communication (corporate and network) and communication for client companies, and a team of different professionals (creative, producer, digital, ATL and BTL and Trade manager) collaborates with her. She is a mother of 4-year-old twin girls.

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  • 10 Oct

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10 OCTOBER  |  14:20 - 15:20 Main Arena - Hall Sud


Daniela Ballarini
Founder and Ceo of Ready2work S.r.l.
Giulia Barroero
CEO Lab Travel
Barbara Casillo
General Manager Italian Hotel Confederation Association
Isabella Maggi
Marketing and Communications Director Gattinoni Group
Antonio Marzano
Moderator | Journalist
Sofia Gioia Vedani
CEO Planetaria Hotels
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