Barbara Del Pio  - Italiaonline editorial manager

Italiaonline editorial manager

A bachelor's degree in Contemporary Literature from La Sapienza University of Rome and a master's degree in Journalism and Business Communication from LUISS. He has been a professional journalist since 2003. She began her career in print media, then moved to radio, working with some local sports broadcasters.
Passionate about writing and innovation, she joined an internet newsroom in 1999 and has been working on editorial projects ever since. Algorithms to be governed, trends to be intercepted, engagement as an imperative, AI as a new ground for experimentation. The craft of "making content" has gotten complicated, but it has become something tremendously interesting, and she has always been hooked on it.
She has been following the evolution of Italiaonline magazines (including DiLei, QuiFinanza, SiViaggia, Buonissimo, Libero, and Virgilio) since their inception, and in 2012 she became their manager.

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  • 10 Oct

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