Giacomo di Thiene
Architect, A.D.S.I. National President
Founding partner of Th&Ma Architettura specializing, among other things, in historic buildings, with projects that combine the needs of conservation with those of recovery and reuse. He works in Italy and abroad.
He has collaborated in various capacities with IUAV and the Milan Polytechnic.
He participates in and also organizes several conferences and publications on cultural heritage issues.
He has been Honorary Archival Inspector since 2019 for the Veneto and Trentino Alto-Adige regions.
Since 2019 he has been National President of the Italian Historic Houses Association after having been of the Veneto Section.
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09 OCTOBER | 16:50 - 18:00
Italy Arena - Pav. A7
Andrea Cancellato
Federculture President
Federculture President
Giacomo di Thiene
Architect, A.D.S.I. National President
Architect, A.D.S.I. National President