  • Thursday, October 10, 2024
  • 14:35 - 14:55
  • Memo
  • Carlo Arrigoni CEO Redomap
  • Ines Cefariello Head of Incoming Office at Beducci Travel Bus
  • Lucia Tucci Moderator | President DestinAction, Jr. Destination Manager at Ideazione srl
  • Lorenzo Succi Director UniRimini

Join our roundtable discussion on how operators and local communities can be actively involved in destination storytelling. We'll showcase the successful collaboration between RedoMap, a digital WebApp for content and guides, and TramVia Napoli, a tourist transport company, to illustrate how user-generated content can be effectively managed with the right technological tools.

Our discussion will be enriched by insights from two experts: Lucia Tucci, President of DestinAction and Jr. Destination Manager at Ideazione, who will emphasize the importance of community engagement in preserving local resources and making them accessible to consumers; and Lorenzo Succi, Director of UniRimini, who will analyze the role of apps and digital platforms, highlighting their functionality and the innovative value they bring to the tourist experience.

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