Lorenzo Succi - Director UniRimini

Director UniRimini

Director of UniRimini spa, a Consortium Company for the University of Bologna at the Rimini Campus since 1998, and Manager of the Technopole of Rimini since 2018, he deals with innovation and digital strategies for service and manufacturing companies, tourist destinations, and sports organizations. He is involved in environmental sustainability for companies in collaboration with the CIRI FRAME of the University of Bologna. He is an Adjunct Professor of Digital Innovation for Sport and Tourism at the University of Florence, the University of Perugia, and the University of Tor Vergata. Since 2018, he has been a member of the Scientific Board of BTO in Florence on Digital Innovation for Tourism. An expert in Sports Tourism, he has participated as a speaker at various industry conferences and organizes, in collaboration with CAST (Center for Advanced Studies of the University of Bologna), a series of research projects on the economic impact of sports tourism events. He is an expert in Event Sustainability Communication and has been a lecturer for the Sole 24 Ore Master in Event Management and Sustainability. He has contributed to academic and popular texts, including: "Turismo Mega Trend" published by Hoepli and "Soggetti e Organizzazioni."

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  • 10 Oct

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