  • Wednesday, October 9, 2024
  • 15:40 - 16:40
  • Memo
  • Global Village Arena - Pav. A2
  • Emilio Becheri Creator and coordinator of the “Italian Tourism Report” from the first edition 1984
  • Gavino Maresu Former professor of Tourism Business and Event Management, University of Genoa
  • Nicoletta Martelletto Moderator | Journalist, President Italian Travel Press
  • Maria Teresa Santoro Istat chief technologist, head of tourism statistics unit DCAT

"Statistics sometimes represent a paradox because they hide the truth," reads the XXIV Italian Tourism Report 2020/2022. With two scholars we want to understand if the truth of tourism lies in the numbers, how these are collected and composed; whether statistics should be trusted and why sometimes the numbers do not correspond to what is happening in the territories, with overtourism or lack of planning. A proposal is made for revision in the collection of parameters. 

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