About us

It is the exhibition space in Italy dedicated exclusively to hospitality and new hospitality concepts: a single exhibition space bringing together settings and furnishings from the leading companies in hospitality design. Thanks to the agreement signed by IEG and FAITA Federcamping, SIA has been integrated with the outdoor cluster with camping and glamping, increasingly in direct contact with the hospitality sector.

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  • Furniture
  • Technologies
  • Services
  • Indoor furniture
  • Contract
  • Food&Sport
  • Swimming Pools&Wellness
  • Camping&Glamping

What's new:
Among the areas of SIA, Poolwide represents the exhibition section designed to welcome companies in the swimming pool and wellness sector. Find out more

The exhibition space is completed with dedicated Arenas - Poolwide Arena, Design Arena, Open Air Arena - where meetings and speeches on design, eco-sustainable planning, and web marketing for the Hôtellerie and Catering industry take place. 
Even more space will be dedicated to the Open Air and Poolwide worlds with comparisons and in-depth discussions for professionals in the field of open-air holidays, water-related design and wellness. Design, furnishings, and management techniques for glamping, camping, and swimming pools will be the topics involving the leading experts in the sector at the various tables.

Great attention is paid to the search for and presence of buyers with whom all exhibitors will be able to make appointments directly at the stand, thus creating business and networking opportunities.

National and international buyers profiled and selected by our dedicated team, Hotel Managers, General Managers of Boutique Hotels, 5-star Hotels, Relais, but also Campsites, Resorts, architectural firms and designers.

SIA Hospitality Design is part of a larger strategic project: to facilitate the meeting of supply and demand in the hospitality industry, complete with all its elements, thus creating the most comprehensive hospitality marketplace in Italy.

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