About us

A comprehensive review of all innovations for businesses and establishments in the beach sector. From design to fit-out, from furnishings to technologies, from new solutions to the latest trends, right up to the most innovative and interesting start-ups in the industry: SUN Beach&Outdoor Style brings together the entire world of bathing in a single event and is the most comprehensive showcase in Italy for the entire industry.

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  • Equipment for bathing establishments and the beach
  • Games for beaches, parks and public or private environments
  • Services for bathing establishments and the beach in general
  • Technologies for security (fire prevention) and control (access, cameras, etc)

The exhibition space is completed by the dedicated Arena - Beach Arena - a stage for the main product novelties concerning the beach world: from beach bar equipment to innovative management strategies with numerous successful case histories to inspire.

Great attention is paid to the search for and presence of buyers with whom all exhibitors will be able to make appointments directly at the stand, thus creating business and networking opportunities.

National and international buyers profiled and selected by our dedicated team, Hotel Managers, General Managers of Boutique Hotels, 5-star Hotels, Relais, but also Campsites, Resorts, architectural firms and designers.

SUN Beach&Outdoor is part of a larger strategic project: facilitating the meeting of supply and demand in the hospitality industry, complete with all its elements, thus creating the most comprehensive hospitality marketplace in Italy.


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