Marco Baroni - CEO & Co-Founder TITANKA! Spa

CEO & Co-Founder TITANKA! Spa

Founding partner and director of TITANKA! Spa, a web agency specialising in hotel tourism.
Since 2000, he has been developing web projects and coordinating developers, graphic designers and web marketing experts in order to achieve measurable results in the digital field. His favourite hobby is to experiment with his team of experts with new innovative techniques to increase the online turnover of accommodation facilities. He is the creator of the Facebook Group "Metodo Professionale di Vendita Camere" (Professional Room Sales Method), a real channel of communication and exchange of ideas between entrepreneurs in the hospitality sector and author of the book "Questo albergo non è una casa!" (This hotel is not a house!), a manual for hoteliers with theoretical elements and practical strategies for always having a full house.

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  • 11 Oct

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