Emma Taveri - Destination marketing manager | Founder and CEO of Destination Makers

Destination marketing manager | Founder and CEO of Destination Makers

She creates marketing strategies and campaigns for creative, sustainable, smart and inclusive destinations with a particular passion for making change possible in remote places. She has worked abroad for major travel companies including TripAdvisor and World Travel. In 2014, she founded Destination Makers, a benefit consulting firm engaged in territorial marketing for travel with social impact social, known for the Recharge in Nature campaign, 19 thousand applications from around the world for a digital detox in the Dolomites. He coordinates the destination theme in the BTO Florence scientific committee, speaker and lecturer on the topic. She created Sea Working, first campaign to attract talent and digital nomads in Italy, from 2021 to 2023 she was Councillor for Tourism in Brindisi, chosen by Airbnb among the 20 smart working destinations in the world.

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  • 11 Oct

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