Mario Romanelli - Sales Director Italy, The Data Appeal Company

Sales Director Italy, The Data Appeal Company

Passionate about technology and innovation, Mario Romanelli has been involved in digital communication and new forms of content creation for the web since 1996. He has led web development projects for Fiat Avio, Telecom Italia, Parmalat and online communication projects for the PA world. From 2010 to the end of 2012, as Account Manager and Head of Emerging Media and Innovation, he contributed to the creation of an innovative Tuscan communications agency. Since January 2014 she has been part of the team of The Data Appeal Company SpA (formerly Travel Appeal), acquired in 2022 by Almawave Spa, a company listed on the Euronext Growth Milan market of the Italian Stock Exchange and part of the Almaviva Group.

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  • 09 Oct

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