Mirko Lalli - CEO & Founder, The Data Appeal Company and Vice President, Italian Hospitality Association

CEO & Founder, The Data Appeal Company and Vice President, Italian Hospitality Association

He has always worked in the fields of innovation, technology, communication and marketing. He was Corporate Communications Director at Clouditalia SpA and has held senior positions at AR-tel SpA and Fondazione Sistema Toscana. He is the founder and CEO of The Data Appeal Company SpA (formerly Travel Appeal), acquired in 2022 by Almawave Spa, a company listed on the Euronext Growth Milan market of the Borsa Italiana and part of the Almaviva Group. Data Appeal democratises and simplifies data to help companies and institutions make effective and informed decisions. The company's ultimate goal is to use data to accelerate progress towards a more sustainable, just and inclusive world.

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  • 09 Oct
  • 10 Oct

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10 OCTOBER  |  11:00 - 12:00 Global Village Arena - Pav. A2


Pina Antonaci
President ITS Tourism Puglia
Antonio Barreca
Vice President, Italian Hospitality Association
Sergio Beraldo
Professor of Political Economy University of Naples Federico II
Edoardo Colombo
Moderator | President and Turismo Italiae President
Giulio Contini
Director General of the Italian School of Hospitality
Sara Digiesi
CEO of BWH Hotel Group Italy
Mirko Lalli
CEO & Founder, The Data Appeal Company and Vice President, Italian Hospitality Association
Massimiliano Schiavon
President ITS Academy Tourism Veneto and President Federalberghi Veneto
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