  • Thursday, October 10, 2024
  • 11:00 - 12:00
  • Memo
  • Global Village Arena - Pav. A2
  • Pina Antonaci President ITS Tourism Puglia
  • Antonio Barreca Vice President, Italian Hospitality Association
  • Sergio Beraldo Professor of Political Economy University of Naples Federico II
  • Edoardo Colombo Moderator | President and Turismo Italiae President
  • Giulio Contini Director General of the Italian School of Hospitality
  • Sara Digiesi CEO of BWH Hotel Group Italy
  • Mirko Lalli CEO & Founder, The Data Appeal Company and Vice President, Italian Hospitality Association
  • Massimiliano Schiavon President ITS Academy Tourism Veneto and President Federalberghi Veneto

A discussion on training in the era of artificial intelligence (AI), with specific focus on the needs of the tourism sector. These include the training paths needed to prepare industry professionals for the new challenge, understanding how to develop training on AI, with a look at the skills essential in tourism for managing new technologies while promoting sustainable development and innovation.

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