
President ITS Tourism Puglia

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  • 10 Oct

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10 OCTOBER  |  11:00 - 12:00 Global Village Arena - Pav. A2


Pina Antonaci
President ITS Tourism Puglia
Antonio Barreca
Vice President, Italian Hospitality Association
Sergio Beraldo
Professor of Political Economy University of Naples Federico II
Edoardo Colombo
Moderator | President and Turismo Italiae President
Giulio Contini
Director General of the Italian School of Hospitality
Sara Digiesi
CEO of BWH Hotel Group Italy
Mirko Lalli
CEO & Founder, The Data Appeal Company and Vice President, Italian Hospitality Association
Massimiliano Schiavon
President ITS Academy Tourism Veneto and President Federalberghi Veneto
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