Antonio Dalla Venezia - FIAB Bicitalia responsible

FIAB Bicitalia responsible

Environmentalist, Venetian, former president of FIAB from 2007 to 2013, author of numerous publications on the topic of urban cycling and cycling tourism, he worked first at the mobility sector of the municipality of Venice and then within the Azienda Veneziana della Mobilità, an in-house company of the municipality of Venice, dealing with cycling mobility.  Since 2016, he has been president of the Technical Scientific Committee of Bicitalia (FIAB national bicycle network) and, since 2020, president of CIAB (Club Imprese Amiche della Bicicletta (Bicycle Friendly Business Club) spin off of FIAB. Since 2019 he has also been regional coordinator of FIAB Veneto.

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  • 10 Oct

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