Palmarosa Fuccella - Consultant for the promotion and communication activities of the Parks of Calabria cycle route

Consultant for the promotion and communication activities of the Parks of Calabria cycle route

A communication designer and copywriter, he has written place branding, marketing and tourism development projects for numerous public bodies. He is a lecturer at the University of Basilicata. He edited the publication “Itineraries in Author Landscapes” for APT Basilicata, with which he collaborates on the graphic design of promotional activities. She drafted the Communication Plan of the Calabria Parks Ciclovia, designed and created the website and wrote the official guide of the route published in 2023. As a speaker, she has participated in many meetings on sustainable development and cycling tourism. With Ediciclo Editore, in 2024, she published the guidebook “The Ring of Lucanian Parks by Bicycle” as part of a project carried out by the Basilicata Territorial Promotion Agency.

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  • 10 Oct

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