Valeria Minghetti - Head of research area CISET Ca' Foscari University

Head of research area CISET Ca' Foscari University

Head of the research area at CISET, International Centre of Studies on Tourism Economics, founded by Ca' Foscari University of Venice and the Veneto Region.
She has 30 years of experience in research and training on tourism issues and has worked on various projects for national and international organisations (ISTAT, EUROSTAT, European Commission, UNWTO, OECD, etc.).
In the field of open-air tourism, from 2010 to 2019 Valeria Minghetti was in charge of the Observatory on open-air tourism in caravan and motorcaravan for Parma exhibitions-The Motorcaravan Show and from 2013 to 2019 she edited part of the Annual Report on tourism in caravan and motor caravan on behalf of Parma Exhibitions and APC-Association of Caravan and Motorhome manifacturers, in which the results of the Observatory on open-air tourism in Italian regions were presented.
On behalf of FAITA, she coordinates the activities related to the design of an Observatory on open-air tourism and has contributed to develop various projects, including the creation of a technological standard for the presentation of associated campsites and camping villages on the main travel portals and platforms. Currently, she is carrying out an analysis on the size of the labour supply chain generated by the open air sector in four Italian regions.

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  • 09 Oct

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