Alberto Granzotto - National President FAITA-Federcamping

National President FAITA-Federcamping

Degree in Economics and Commerce from Ca' Foscari University of Venice.  Chartered Accountant - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Villaggio Turistico Internazionale S.r.l. and Managing Director of Aurore Development S.p.A., companies operating in the En Plein Air sector. President of FAITA NORD-EST (Veneto and Friuli Venezia-Giulia) from 2019, he has also been elected NATIONAL President in June 2021. A strong supporter of innovation, he is always ready to take on new challenges in order to make the En Plein Air tourism sector more and more a testimony of the ecological and digital transition processes that are fundamental for the sector.

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  • 09 Oct

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