Stefano Landi - President of SL&A and professor in tourism subjects at LUISS

President of SL&A and professor in tourism subjects at LUISS

Economist, founder of L.A.N.D.I. (Laboratorio Artigiano di Narrazione delle Destinazioni Italiane). After 8 years at Censis as the Head of the Department of Economics, in 1988 he founded SL&A Turismo e Territorio, leading company in specialist consultancy for public Administrations. He was General Director of Tourism of the Ministry of Industry 1996-2001, he worked on the Strategic Plan for Italian Tourism 2017-2022, and on the Plans of many Administrations including the Veneto Region, years 2018-2021, 2022-2024, and 2025-2027. He is currently an adjunct professor at the LUISS University of Rome, teaching tourism subjects in several courses. He has held various institutional roles and in the private sphere he has worked on the strategic plans of many Italian regions (Trentino, Sardinia, Emilia Romagna, Aosta Valley, Lazio, etc.).

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  • 10 Oct

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10 OCTOBER  |  11:00 - 12:30 BeActive Arena - Pav. C4


Paola Autore
Vice President of AITR and Coordinator of national and international projects Coop Culture
Alex Giuzio
Editor-in-Chief of Mondo Balneare
Paolo Grigolli
Destination Management Expert Just Good Tourism
Stefano Landi
President of SL&A and professor in tourism subjects at LUISS
Patrizio Scarpellini
Cinque Terre National Park Director
Mariapina Trunfio
Professor of Tourism and Business Management and Director of the master's degree in Tourism and Hospitality Management Parthenope University of Naples
Sebastiano Venneri
President of Vivilitalia and head of tourism sector Legambiente
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