Aldo Tripiciano - CEO Adalot Networks

CEO Adalot Networks

Entrepreneur and software engineer with a degree in computer science. Since 2002, he has held leadership roles in international organizations (United Nations, UNDP, CTBTO), European institutions (European Commission, European External Action Service), and major corporations (Novartis International). In 2018, he founded Adalot Networks, a company providing CTO services and technological partnerships for startups, successfully creating highly innovative digital products. In 2024, together with partners with twenty years of experience, he founded Alfabes, a startup aimed at revolutionizing local tourism paradigms.

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  • 10 Oct

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10 OCTOBER  |  16:25 - 17:05 TTG NEXT STARTUP ARENA - Hall A6


Lucia Tucci
Moderator | President DestinAction, Jr. Destination Manager at Ideazione srl
Mamadou Diagne
CEO & Founder The City Hub
Valentina Masarin
Chief Marketing Officer Freedome
Chiara Minì
CEO Sicilyland
Elena Santilli
Head of Culture & Experience Design at Expirit
Paolo Taricco
Co-founder & CEO Yookye
Aldo Tripiciano
CEO Adalot Networks
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